The Level 1 Officiating Certification consists of online pre-course work and attendance at an in-person clinic. The course is largely practical so come dressed to run/move around (as much as your body will allow) and participate fully in the clinic.
There will be classroom work to prep and go over the foundational pieces, and then active refereeing and ARing at the 10s tournament on Saturday evening.
For existing referees - it is free to come along and sit in the course and get a refresher!
We need new blood every season so please share this around your clubs. We encourage HS boys and girls to get certified as referees to referee youth games. The Referee Society pays $15/hr for youth and HS 7s games, $50 for HS 15s and $50 for Adult 15s.
ASU Fitness Center
400 E Apache Blvd
Tempe, AZ 85287
Fitness Center Phone 480-727-7802
USA Rugby Referee Educator
Phone: (602) 361-7978
To register for a course, log in to your Rugby Xplorer account, click on Learning Center in the left menu, navigate to Course Catalog, select Level 1 Referee Course.
Scroll down to find the Phoenix AZ location course, add to Cart and purchase.
The course requires you complete 4 online modules provided by World Rugby before attending the course. You will not be able to obtain L1 Referee qualification without completing these modules.